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root ball graft

Many people have a ninety-year-old tree that is not the same as it was during its hey-day. At times, trees can weaken and you might find the tree no longer producing as much fruit. Sure, the leaves may not be a vibrant green as they once were or full of life. Don’t worry! But there is a way to help that aging tree be vital again. They perform special method, which is known as cuțit de altoiting. RONGFA*, an enterprise that pimps plants could have the answer to how you can recycle your old tree!

It is a technique in which people use minge de rădăcinăing for tree cultivation. Grafting involves cutting a piece from an existing, healthy tree (the scion) and connecting it to the roots of another, less hardy—or productive—tree (the rootstock). I know that sounds confusing but its actually very easy! Both the scion and rootstock have to be from a similar type of tree for successful grafting.

The science behind root ball grafting explained

After you attach the scion to the rootstock, they grow together as one and create a completely new tree. This is quite successful because the scion will has been taken by a healthy tree. This prevents the new tree from growing weak and short-lived. Much like creating the optimum conditions for a new tree to get off on a good foot early!

But that’s not all! This approach can similarly be used by us to develop trees that are more illness resistant or drought durable. It has these strong traits in it, but if it was grafted onto the rootstock of another tree that hasdemonstrated those qualities in increasing their health and production ability, then we can get a new type of tree all together. It imagines the tree has superpowers giving him long life during adverse conditions of weather.

Why choose RONGFA root ball graft?

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