सबै श्रेणियाँ

बगैचा उल्लू

It brings an excellent time to be in your garden. Well, if you did - then the garden owl is what you need to know about! Garden owls are little stable mediums that you introduce into your garden. These are not only nice to look at but can actually be quite useful too! The cute owls simply keep bugs at bay and help your plants to thrive.

Chasing Away Pests: Garden owls are effective at chasing away pests like mice, rabbits and problem insects which might want to feed on your fauna. Many times when they see the owl, this forces them tp become scared and leave. This makes your plants to grow bigger and be protected from harm.

    How Garden Owls Can Help Your Plants Thrive

    With a Pot: Sometimes you can see garden owls that are made to help with fertilizing and they have their both hands approximated in the shape of holding something like a little pot, as this one below. You can fill this pot with special food plants like those which help it grow called fertilizer. Also, when it rains, the water will gradually leach those nutrients into the soil and your plants will acquire them overtime.

    Water Your Own Plants- There is even a small hole in the belly of some owl owls! You can fill the hole with water So as the plants slowly pull water from their surroundings, it will evaporate out of sir owl and into the soil. Thus, your plants can always feed on the right amount of moisture even any hot day so that they will live and grow well.

    Why choose RONGFA garden owl?

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