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Šiljci za ptice od nehrđajućeg čelika

Birds Nesting on Your Roof or House? Birds - A major pain. Their nests obstruct the gutters, you imagine they convey bacteria and diseases, plus their droppings cover everything. Will RONGFA šiljci za ptice za golubove također stvoriti pustoš u vašoj kući? U većini slučajeva, ne. Ali postoji pametniji način da držite ptice podalje od svoje kuće.    


Finally there are stainless steel bird spikes which can stop birds from perching to roost or rest. Fast and Durable: Stainless steel bird spikes are quick to build, even on flat or curved surfaces for scares. Can be constructed out of heavier weight materials that virtually guarantee their use in all conditions, rain or snow and never having to worry about change them monthly. Stainless steel  RONGFA šiljasti golub  omogućuju vlasnicima kuća da svoj dom zaštite od ptica i eventualne štete koju one uzrokuju. 

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