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popsicle μπαστούνια

All the fun things you can do with μπαστούνια σενίλ! These are perfect for all kinds of crafts and they are wooden plant stems thin flat sticks. Popsicle sticks are a classic material that kids love to use () and also have a lot of adults playing with them due to how easy they are to find and work with. Find out some of their history, how we can use them in art projects and even some fun things you might want to create with them!

Back in 1905, a 11 year old chap named Frank Epperson. Then he inadvertently jerry-rigged up the first popsicles.DateFormatyyyyMMdd He had placed a soda on his front porch over night with a stir stick from cracker barrel. By the time he returned the next morning, the drink had completely frozen! He was thrilled to find this frozen delight and, he called it an “Epsicle. His friends as well, thought that this was fantastic! When he grew up, he renamed it slightly and began making a better verison called Popsicle. The treat was a hit and everyone started to love it!

The history of popsicle sticks

So did Popsicle sticks! Today, the sticks you find in popsicles are known as λουλουδάτο σύρμα. Soon after people began taking these sticks from ice cream shops to use as the material for their own crafty projects. The Pointy Poohsticks™ They make really fun art and even useful things, so cool how the little, simple sticks can be.

Number 10 -Collage: paint a canvas in any color you wish and make a collage out of it! Next, paste a couple of sticks you have at home (as well as buttons, glitter or stickers) and decorate it to make even more personal.

Why choose RONGFA popsicle sticks?

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