Seedling trays are a common household name if you happen to be into gardening. These seed trays are good for germinating seeds and also starting off baby plants, or seedlings. SERVICEIn this guide, we will help you understand what exactly seedling trays arehow to use themin choosing one that is perfect for the type of gardening that you are being engaged in.
Seed Starting Trays - These are those containers that have many little openings; A tiny plant-seedling germinating(planting) area in each partition. Great for sowing seeds indoors or in the garden shed.. This creates a warm, wet environment that stimulates the seeds to germinate or start growing. Seeds that have a good place to sprout will grow very fast.
Standard Trays: The standard trays are the most common type of seedling tray that you will come across. Each of them has many small squares and each square can contain one seedling. The standard trays are versatile, you can utilize for a range of planting seasons. This will make it easier to transplant the seedlings into larger pots or directly in your garden once they start growing well.
Root trainers - small trays, each of which is divided into several long parts; the roots are able to stretch freely downwards without intertwining. Particularly good for plants such as tomatoes and beans. Strong and straight roots make for healthy plants, with greater yields of fruit or vegetables.
Hopefully now you will understand why and have an idea of what seedling trays size to get depending on what type of plants you are aiming for. I often plant herbs and lettuce in trays that have smaller sections. Certainly these plants do not have to be pruned back too far. At the other end of the scale if you are growing something like tomatoes and peppers, they will need bigger sections for root space.
Choose even smaller trays if you expect to transplant your seedlings into larger pots soon after they sprout. Alternatively, if you wish to have your plants remain in the seedling trays for longer duration then it is advisable to select larger sized trys. Bigger trays = more root space and healthier plants
Seedling trays are also convenient and help to save space by planting many seeds in a small area. This means that you can fit so many plants into a tiny space. And the trays can be re-purposed to use for a different gardening season, which adds up to savings in the long run.
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